Krista & Christoph

Some time right around the peak of wedding season I got an e-mail from Krista from Vancouver. She asked about availability for a couple's session in Iceland for herself and her husband Christoph. She wrote and her exact words were:

" I'd love to have photos of the two of us from this trip that aren't selfies!"
And then in another e-mail she writes "We are pretty adventurous, and if you want us to we'll climb, scramble, jump, stand in the pouring rain for hours, etc. to get the picture."

Right then and there I knew our session was meant to be amazing. We met a few days prior and we hit it off right away. Only when you'd think things cant get any better, on the day everything you'd want to see in this beautiful country, we got. The waterfalls, the rainbows, puffins and stunning landscapes. 


Stay Alive
Jose Gonzalez